Anonymous Gift (wink) lovin’ it!

I received a pretty awesome pendant in the mail a few weeks ago, I was beyond suprised and had the biggest smile on my face when I saw the package labeled, Be-Jewelry. I had looked into getting one of these necklaces before Grady was born to add to my charm necklace (I have been wearing for 5 years now) but never splurge on anything like this anymore. Anyways, anonymous sent it to me, and it didn’t take much investigation to figure out who blessed me with it. Someone who happens to be in the business of granting Wishes and her beautiful family whom I had a chance to Photograph for the ShineDown Project.

Kim started her non-profit organization “Gifts from the heart for Downs” because she wanted to grant wishes or fufill needs of people or children with Down Syndrome & their families. She adopted two children with Down Syndrome herself and her heart and soul is dedicated to just making people’s lives that much brighter and better. She is the building forever memories and granting endless smiles.  Her foundation is not built on pity, or sorrow for individuals with Down Syndrome, but is built on adoration and love.  She is in the process of granting a few incredible wishes as we speak (one is for the owner of Be-Jewelry and her Son to meet the Big Time Rush) and is working hard on fundraising to make all the wishes come true. You can help too by visiting her website linked above.

When I wear my pendant that has Grady’s birthdate and initials engraved on the back I smile, I think of her children Judy and Matthew who forever are my friends and of course my Grady Man. Thank you Kim!! (anonymous no more, sorry 🙂

(The Pendant now hangs with my “hope” pendant, Mason and Grady’s Birthstone & my T21 pendant)

Click on the Picture to find Be-Jewelry on Facebook!!

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